In a distant future civilians are thrust into a sport of survival where a ravenous zombie population is unleashed in the name of entertainment! As television spectators vote on how many and what types of zombies are unleashed, you must survive the hordes!
Experience holographic zombies running across your tabletop as you maneuver through obstacles on the gameboard.
Supported Controller : T5 Controller in Side Hold
Menu Navigation : T5 Controller - Joystick and A Button for Menu Select
Joystick - Moves Character
Joystick Button - Melee Attack
Trigger - Reload
A, B, X, Y - Fire Direction and Perks Selection
1 Button - Perks Menu
Tilt 5 Button - Pause Menu
Game Launch Instructions:
1. If you have not already set up your Tilt Five® system, visit our Getting Started page for a walkthrough.
2. Make sure your glasses are plugged in before launching apps and press the wand’s Tilt Five® Button (Orange In Image) to sync with glasses to show up as READY in the Tilt Five control panel.
3. Make sure you are seated facing the T5 logo on the game board.
4. Download and Unzip the latest version of #KillAllZombies from the link above. Then open the #KillAllZombies folder and Double Click on the #KillAllZombies executable file. The app automatically detects your active Tilt Five and launches in the glasses.
5. Have fun playing with your Tilt Five :)
Having problems? Contact our customer service department for expert support using the HELP chat on our website or
DRIVER UPDATE : This app REQUIRES Tilt Five Drivers 1.4.0 or greater, found HERE. Please update your drivers before using this app.
In a distant future civilians are thrust into a sport of survival where a ravenous zombie population is unleashed in the name of entertainment! As television spectators vote on how many and what types of zombies are unleashed, you must survive the hordes!
Experience holographic zombies running across your tabletop as you maneuver through obstacles on the gameboard.
Supported Controller : T5 Controller in Side Hold
Menu Navigation : T5 Controller - Joystick and A Button for Menu Select
Joystick - Moves Character
Joystick Button - Melee Attack
Trigger - Reload
A, B, X, Y - Fire Direction and Perks Selection
1 Button - Perks Menu
Tilt 5 Button - Pause Menu
Game Launch Instructions:
1. If you have not already set up your Tilt Five® system, visit our Getting Started page for a walkthrough.
2. Make sure your glasses are plugged in before launching apps and press the wand’s Tilt Five® Button (Orange In Image) to sync with glasses to show up as READY in the Tilt Five control panel.
3. Make sure you are seated facing the T5 logo on the game board.
4. Download and Unzip the latest version of #KillAllZombies from the link above. Then open the #KillAllZombies folder and Double Click on the #KillAllZombies executable file. The app automatically detects your active Tilt Five and launches in the glasses.
5. Have fun playing with your Tilt Five :)
Having problems? Contact our customer service department for expert support using the HELP chat on our website or
DRIVER UPDATE : This app REQUIRES Tilt Five Drivers 1.4.0 or greater, found HERE. Please update your drivers before using this app.