July/August Update 2022

July/August Update 2022

August 4, 2022

 Min Read

Kickstarter Aug 2022 Update 

Hello Backers,

Get ready! There’s a lot to share in this month’s update. In this update, we cover:

  1. Shipping Update
  2. Driver 1.2.0
  3. Longer Tilt Five cables
  4. VAT
  5. Other news

Let's get started!

Shipping Update

Good news! Over 66% of backers have been sent emails from orders@tiltfive.com. Many have already had their kits delivered or their kit is currently in transit and will be received in the next two weeks! 

The not-so-good news is that recent supply-chain issues are causing delays for the remaining shipments. We are currently working with our suppliers and manufacturing teams to reliably source the additional components needed to manufacture and ship the remaining kits.

Lockdowns and resulting supply chain issues have been a regular part of the manufacturing process during the COVID-19 pandemic and are a big reason it is difficult to provide accurate shipping updates. At this point, we anticipate finishing shipping to Kickstarter backers in the early Fall. We apologize for the additional delay.

If you haven’t received an email from orders@tiltfive.com yet, or you’ve received an email from us but you have a remaining balance in BackerKit, here are the estimated date ranges of when your kit will ship:

Also, we apologize for any confusion caused by last month’s Kickstarter update. Many backers reached out to let us know they had not received an email from us. The reason for that is we were not ready to ship your kits yet and you are still due to receive an email from us.

Our objective now is to email all unfulfilled backers by September 1, 2022. If you haven’t received an email from orders@tiltfive.com by then, please email support@tiltfive.com for assistance. 

To prevent our emails from orders@tiltfive.com from going to your spam or promotions folders add orders@tiltfive.com to your email contacts or Safe Senders list. Here’s how: Gmail | Outlook | Hotmail | Yahoo!

Thanks again for your patience and understanding as we get closer to completing our Kickstarter shipments.

New Drivers! Download “Huggable Hellhound” Now!

If you have your Tilt Five system set up, we highly recommend that you download and install the latest drivers available at tiltfive.com/downloads that went live July 29th. The engineering team has been hard at work making improvements!

The update is codenamed Huggable Hellhound! One of many improvements you may notice is how much quicker the Tilt Five® Glasses will track the movement of the Wand in real-time. Our upcoming 1.2.1 drivers will have some additional latency improvements, so stay tuned.

Are There Longer Tilt Five® Cables?

A few Tilt Five® users reached out asking whether there is a longer USB cable. Understandably some players’ PCs may not be in arm’s reach of the Tilt Five® Gameboard. 

While we do not (yet) have a longer cable to offer, we are working on that. For the time being, the following third-party solution has been tested and will provide some extra length to your existing cable. 

The Anker USB hub adds about 2 feet (0.6 meters) to your existing Tilt Five® cable. Note you'll have to also use the USB C to A adapter that came with your kit with these hubs.

If two feet isn’t quite enough, fear not! We are testing more hubs and longer cables now, so… more options are on the way!  USB 3.0 superspeed is very tricky and some vendors do not adhere to the minimum specifications needed to maintain enough bandwidth (and power) to supply video to the Tilt Five® Glasses.

A Word on VAT (Value-Added Tax)

Some Backers have inquired about the inclusion of value-added taxes (VAT) in the closing payments. Why, indeed, must Tilt Five include VAT, and what portion of the pledge is taxed?

For anyone unfamiliar with VAT, it is a flat tax levied in approximately 170 countries on goods and services sold to consumers living in those countries. The governments in these countries increasingly view crowdfunding pledges as sales transactions, and thus subject to taxes like VAT.  So, Tilt Five must collect, report, and remit VAT to the national tax authorities on the payments received (i.e. the pledge itself). 

As many consumers know, VAT in some countries is quite high (for example here are the latest VAT figures for Europe: https://taxfoundation.org/value-added-tax-2022-vat-rates-in-europe/).

FYI Kickstarter Backers can see what exact VAT % was tabulated for their pledge at the time of their final survey on their Backerkit page.

A reminder that Tilt Five pays the costs for shipping from the factory into each country, and Backers only pay for 'last mile shipping costs locked in at the campaign's close.  Tilt Five also pays for the import duties (Direct Duty Paid), which hopefully lessens the financial burden (somewhat).

Quick T5 Tips:

  • It's always best when starting a game to have the T5 logo on your gameboard facing you. Most games are designed with this orientation in mind.
  • Make sure your Headset cable is properly inserted into the headset, failure to get a good connection can lead to image dropouts.

Other Updates You May Have Missed

IMPORTANT! We will be phasing out Kickstarter updates after we finish shipping all of our pledge rewards. To stay up to date sign up for our newsletter! You can also visit our Blog or join Tilt Five’s Discord.

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