Karl Guttag Finds Tilt Five Magical

Karl Guttag Finds Tilt Five Magical

November 19, 2021

 Min Read

We were excited to hear that Karl Guttag, who has over 40 years of industry experience in display devices, headset displays, projector displays, graphics accelerators, and video game devices, found Tilt Five to be is favorite thing at AWE! He stopped by the booth at the show and here's what he had to say...

AWE 2021 Part 1 – Tilt Five Was Magical

"I finally got to see the Tilt Five and to me, it was instantly magical, and I personally ordered a unit the same day. I have seen a lot of AR and VR technology, and I don’t get this feeling too often. Tilt Five is not the be-all and end-all of AR, nor are they trying to be, but it seems to be good at what Tilt Five is trying to accomplish, a game system. I’m left in this article to start to explain why it felt so magical."

Maybe I am jaded by many years of overhyped products, and I came in with low expectations for the Tilt Five. But I came away feeling like a kid with a great new toy which is how this type of product should make the user feel. - Karl Guttag

Read his deep dive into the Tilt Five System here.

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